Friday, March 17, 2006


ARCHIMEDIA's web site is a repository of the ideas, films and writings of this extraordinary collaboration between husband and wife team Molly Hankwitz & David Cox.

ACHIMEDIA is a research and design collective examining the overlap between media, architecture and public space. We are influenced by the Situationist International and the British design group, Archigram among others. ARCHiMEDIA is the combination of architecture and media. We investigate the margins of media culture and examine the detritus of media and urban history as it relates to architecture. Our media archeological project seeks to identify the ways in which urban life is being affected by, and in turn affecting, the way media are used. In our digital, wireless, connected world, there seems to be few opportunities to study the juggernaut of digital changes. ARCHiMEDIA sets itself the task of theorizing, conceptualising and proposing ideas for urban space which utilize media in all their forms. Screens, interfaces, urban designs, kiosks, microtechnologies; and alternative modes of thinking for shelter, street life and other aspects of life in the modern city.

EMU Web Grid - an Online City by David Cox


EMU is a web ‘city’ developed as part of my Masters research

at RMIT AIM CENTRE. EMU stands for the Electronically Mediated Urb.

It provides free web sites organised numerically in a rough ‘city’

configuration on a grid of dots. Claim a dot

and join the growing city of EMU!

Creatures from the Stars

Creatures from the Stars is an interactive story by David Cox. It was originally done
as a HyperCard stack in 1994 on my beloved Powerbook duo 230, and then became a web site of only 1 megabyte in size!

It follows the story of of Fansworth Feldrin and his quest to avert a global catastrophe. He is helped by the dead, who use software to enable the living to contact them over the internet. "Creatures From the Stars" is sceance fiction - a low tech, high concept oddessey to the Other Side...

It was published in 1999 by the Australian Film Commission and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Arts Online project as part of the 'stuffart' project.

My Daily D?rive

Cogswell College in Sunnyvale, California where I work just furnished me with an HP iPAQ device which lets me take pictures, make phone calls, know where I am with GPS and do email. Problem is I'm staring at this tiny screen and forgetting who I am and what I'm doing on BART (24th St to Millbrae)
Caltrain (Millbrae to Mountainview) and V-Line (Mountainview to Lockheed Martin).

I look around and everyone else is staring into screens.

Its a mediated spectacular zone of alienation, in motion!

Its all part of Cogswell's Pocket Cinema project, which I'm heading up.
See this infomercial to get the heads up on what it is.

You move through space while you watch movies, which in turn relate to where you are and what you've already seen. Its the Situationist D?rive, but with movies and GPS devices.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Puppenhead Online

My 1990 film Puppenhead is now online. Click here to view.


Berlin, 1934: JOHN FLAUS plays Goethe, the puppeteer whose mechanical clockwork knife-throwing act is under surviellence by a slimy SS agent (Heinze Boek). The showdown comes at a New York presentation of the show.

Made at Swinburne School of Film & Television (now VCA Film School, Victoria, Australia) in 1990.

The film went on to appear at fourteen international film festivals and was screened at the opening of the 1991 New York Film Festival.

Festivals include - New York, London, Annecy, Turin, Hong Kong, Seattle, Oberhausen.

Puppenhead also won the ATOM award for innovation, and was nominated for three Australian Film Institute Awards - best film in non-feature category, best sound in non-feature category and best editing in non-feature category.

Puppenhead was picked up by Canal+ in Spain.

The amazing music for the film can be listened to at Ian Eccles-Smith's site

The composer Ian Eccles-Smith's website is worth viewing also.

Monday, March 13, 2006

My 1992 made-for-tv doco B.I.T. viewable online

My 1992 documentary BIT is now online at

To view BIT, click here

The official Bureau of Inverse Technology website is here

Otherzone online at

My 1998 film Otherzone is now in the public domain and viewable here

NB: The file is 120 megabytes in size and is in QuickTime format.

The official website for the film is here

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Other Cinema Trailer

This short trailer was made for Other Cinema. It was done to promote Other Cinema, Craig Baldwin's weekly Saturday night screenings of underground, experimental, offbeat and generally cool movies.

Look for it also on as well in future.


Saturday, March 11, 2006

David Cox interviewed by Patrick Macias

An Eternal Thought in the Mind of Godzilla

Podcast: Hot Tears of Shame - Episode Six


Patrick Macias' blog